Getting Out of Your Head


These meditations are designed for all you over-thinkers out there. In these practices, you’ll begin to develop a new relationship to your inner dialogue and explore tools for getting out of your head and into the present moment.


Waking Up From Thinking

(20 min)

Learn to befriend your mind and reframe your practice as you shift from frustration and disappointment to awe and appreciation. Discover the joy of 1,000 moments of waking up that can happen in each practice.

Transcending the Mind

(13 min)

Transcend the thinking mind by first familiarizing yourself with it. Discover the subtle and profound difference between thinking and being aware of thinking. Step outside of yourself and witness your own mind.

Explore Vision

(10 min)

Let the monkey mind cool off as you direct your attention outward, to the vibrant visual world around you. Change the way you see the world and tune into the subtle details of your visual experience.

Tune into the Present Moment

(15 min)

Learn to connect more deeply with the present moment using your senses. In this meditation, you'll practice anchoring your attention on sounds, physical body sensations, and visual experience to explore the richness and depth of this moment.