Letting Go


Soften your grip on life with practices that are designed to help you let go and surrender. Each of these practices are centered around Equanimity, which is both a quality of mind and a skill we can practice. Equanimity allows us to witness our present-moment experience without resisting it, pushing it away, or holding on too tightly, so that we can uncover an endless treasure of ease and freedom in our lives, regardless of circumstances.


Cultivating Equanimity

(20 min)

In this practice we’ll cultivate equanimity and get a taste of the freedom that arises with radical acceptance of our inner experience.

Cultivating Equanimity

(15 min)

What would happen if you didn't need to fix or change anything? If your experience was perfect exactly as it was? In this meditation, you'll use the breath as your meditation anchor as you practice letting your experience unfold exactly as it is. Explore what it's like to have radical acceptance for the full range of human emotions and experiences.

“Do Nothing”

(15 min)

Learn to let go of any effort-ing or striving in practice with the “technique of no technique”. Be light and playful and let go of what you think you’re supposed to do.