Building Self-Confidence & Joy


Often times we can be our own harshest critic. Sometimes we can even start to rely on our inner critic voice as a source of motivation to accomplish our goals and become the best version of ourselves. But when we practice treating ourselves with more compassion and patience, we can start to build an inner confidence that fuels us with even more motivation and energy to reach our highest potential.

The human brain has an inherent ‘negativity bias’ - a survival trait that keeps us alive by having our minds focus on problems, fears, worries, and negativity in the hopes of keeping us safe and protected from harm. While this tendency is useful for keeping us alive, sometimes it can go a bit haywire. Meditation can help us correct this imbalance as we turn the mind towards gratitude, positivity, and joy. It’s a practice that takes time, repetition, and patience. When we remember to bring our attention to the goodness in our lives, we build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience.


Cultivating Self-Love

(20 mins)

Learn to turn toward yourself with genuine warmth and kindness. Authentic self-regard and self-acceptance is a practice that takes time, repetition, and patience to develop. It is a superpower that we can all grow within us.

Cultivating Self-Compassion

(20 mins)

We have a tendency to beat ourselves up over the little stuff. In this practice, we shift the perspective to remember our human-ness and explore what it’s like to treat ourselves the way we might treat a friend or a loved one.

Discover Joy

(13 min)

Practice cultivating and tuning into feelings of joy, and happiness. As we bring our attention to positive qualities of mind, we begin to experience them more frequently and more deeply.

The Flow of Life

(10 min)

Discover how everything in the world is constantly changing, shifting, ending, and beginning again. Immerse yourself in the dynamic flow of life.